This is a great question and our Models Direct team will be answering it right here for you. To know whether your bambino will be suitable for the baby modelling industry is only to look at our Models Direct agency’s ethos which is that we embrace and celebrate humans and animals no matter which stage they at in life. This means that even babies can be mini superstars in their own right. And why not?

It can happen with Models Direct and we’ll show you how:
Register your baby details here and supply us with an image so that we know what they look like.
Stand by your phone as one of our coordinators will be in touch to explain how our process for bookings works.
We’ll give you access to your baby ePortfolio so you can start building it with cute, precious images.
Keep up to date with current baby trends so you’re ahead of the game
We’ll let you know if your little one is selected for an assignment. You’re more than welcome to decline, but please inform us as much in advance as possible.

Keep your eyes peeled for the latest blogs and stay social with Instagram, Facebook and TikTok so you know what’s happening at our agency and news from across the modelling industry.
Your baby is suitable to be registered as an official MD model at any point, but some things to bear in mind are:
- Children Can Embrace New Experiences with Modelling
- Commercial Modelling with our MD Team
- Models Direct look at Love & Relationships
- Want to make it in modelling? Here are our tips for success…
- How to become a model
How there are new environments
How they interact with new faces and in larger crowds
How do they handle travelling
How they deal with a change of routine
If you feel that they’ll adapt smoothly to the points above, great, but let it not deter you from applying if you’re unsure. Speak to our agency so that we can talk you through your worries, concerns or queries.
Our clients understand what’s entailed when working with babies. Just remember every baby, as with every person, handles new situations differently. Let’s be honest, there may be times that there will be tears on set, but there may also be times that their content and bubbly.
Give baby modelling a try! Our agency looks forward to welcoming your bundle of joy and connecting them to campaigns.