Ah, families! There’s nothing quite like them. No matter what your setup is as a family, we’re pretty sure yours shares some of the following highlights:

Inside jokes
A unique family handshake
A WhatsApp family group
Seriously embarrassing stories
Light-hearted sibling rivalry
Awkward family pics
Crazy meal times
Personalised traditions
(If there’s anything we might have missed out, please let us know guys!)
There’s lots you can do with your family, from counting on each other and supporting one another to sharing amazing moments like a trip down the road or a trip away. This is what happens with our family models like the Friend family who were booked for a countryside shoot with Pennon Group and the Goulding family who were booked a villa in the South of France with Oliver’s Travels.
The Friend family left us with this amazingly detailed review in case you’re wondering how their campaign went:
“We were excited and a little nervous about this shoot. We knew it was a 2-day family shoot with all the family including our eldest daughter Olivia. We had packed up the car early in the morning as we needed to be there for 9 am as it was only just over an hour away this was one of our closet shoots. The Friend’s family always likes to take more clothes than not enough and our car looked like we were going away for 2 weeks, not 2 nights. We always love a shoot when they provide accommodation as it always feels like a mini break.
Shaun and I were a little apprehensive about the shoot being two long days 9-5 and having 3 children to try and keep happy and smiling is always on our minds. These shoots are never easy but we are so lucky that our children seem to be taken too easily. We arrived at the lodge which was the location for day one it was set in the most beautiful countryside, and we were working with a photograph of Nick his assistant Cody and Tanya Reed head of corporate communications for Pennon Group.
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Tanya and Nick knew exactly what they were after which is always great when we have a firm direction. Trying to get that perfect shot will always take time but once again the children did amazing, even getting complimented by Nick and Tanya. The day went by very quickly with children getting time out for snacks, lunch and a little bit of fun on the ipads.
The second day was a completely different day we were all super excited as we were going to a reservoir to do cannoning and boating something we hadn’t done before, that’s why this job is always so good your learning and trying new things all the time. We had a quick briefing and safety talk and it was go go go. I just kept hearing the girls laughing and having a blast it always brings us so much joy to see the children having fun and trying new experiences and we get paid for it!! Nick said he got some amazing pictures and it was a wrap. This was a fantastic shoot with lots of amazing memories.”
If family modelling is something your family squad would like to try out, Models Direct can help give you the opportunity to do this with the backing and support of our specialist modelling coordinators.

So, what do we need from your family? How do you not only kick-start this process but get moving full steam ahead? Let’s take a look.
Applying online is simple
Nothing complicated, just a straightforward online application form. You’ll need to include a group pic of your family whether it’s mum and baby, gran and grandson, a blended family or a traditional nuclear setup.
Speak to us
Once your application is whisked off into our inbox, we’ll be giving you a call to let you know about our processes and how we work.
Create your portfolio
Shaping your images is the beginning of creating a varied portfolio. We encourage this as our next step so that we can put your family forward whenever a client calls for your look.
Tell us about your skills
Is anyone a singer in your family? A trained horse rider or juggler? Your skills could encompass anything and our team would like to know so that we can inform clients who might be on the lookout for unique skills you or your family members might possess.
Keep up to date with our socials
Stay social with us on Insta, Facebook and TikTok. Subscribe to our amazing blogs so that you keep informed with our latest agency news.
Keep your contact info up-to-date

This is an important aspect to ensure we call the right number to inform you when your family has been selected for modelling assignments. If anything changes, please let our team know.
Accept assignments you can commit to, and feel free to decline if you can’t
It’s okay if you can’t take on every assignment that comes your way. Models Direct understands that each family member will have varying degrees of commitment. Striking the balance where you can all coordinate around an assignment will mean getting your schedules in sync so that you can all work around the logistics of the upcoming project.
Don’t worry if you’ve initially agreed to a project and things change. We don’t scrutinise our models for making changes, that’s life! Just let our team know as soon as you can.
And that’s it, families! We hope that our mini guide about family modelling with MD and what we need from you has helped. If you need any extra info, get in touch with our team.