One of the best attributes any commercial model can have is the ability to look ahead and predict what brands might be looking for. The more models work on assignments, the easier this becomes. Following trends helps massively, as does planning important dates throughout the year.

Preparation, of course, is everything, and not just in the fashion world.
Chefs find that half the battle in making mouth-watering dishes lies in the food’s prep (or, if they’re lucky, they can ask their sous chef to do the peeling, slicing and cutting!) Preparation plays a large part in sporting success. Employees know that workloads can be reduced or be done more effectively if they prepare well in advance. In all walks of life, preparation is absolutely key – and this applies particularly when shooting at different times of the year.

Brands know this all too well, and the fundamentals apply to shooting seasonally. Most companies will have earmarked important dates – much sooner than you’d imagine. True, we all know that certain times of the year are busier than others, and so they demand more preparation for them to be a roaring success (is it too early to mention Christmas yet? You’d be surprised.) As we speak, large retailers will be putting together their Christmas catalogues and festive offers for their websites; several fashion companies are already busy creating new lines in winter clobber. They don’t want to be left out in the cold, and why should they? It’s a competitive world out there, and they know that for them to stand out preparation really is priority no.1.

So it stands to reason that shooting seasonal modelling assignments demands preparation from our clients. Seasonal marketing can be seen in everyday life, just by taking a stroll along the high street or in any of the supermarkets intent on out-doing each other with deals and best-valued goods. Always staying ahead of the pack, seasonal shooting requires weeks of forward-thinking!
Just as family members or friends often ear-mark an important date, such as a birthday, so do brands – both multinational companies and small local stores. Have a look this year when shops start stocking witch’s hats and rubber spiders ahead of Halloween. It won’t be a couple of days before; it’ll be about four to six weeks ahead. The same applies with fireworks prior to 5th November. And when did supermarkets start marketing summer offers this year like disposable barbecues and burgers ‘n’ bangers? Usually in spring, because they anticipate hoards of customers taking advantage of great deals in preparation of finer weather.
What does this mean to our models?
Be proactive, too! Put yourselves in the professional shoes of our clients, so that your portfolio photos leap out at them. Have a peak at your calendar and ear-mark dates that might be beneficial to clients. We encourage our superb models to look ahead and plan for potential booking – it’s in everyone’s best interests.

A great example is new term times, with millions of pupils re-fuelled from their holidays returning to school. Families know this time better than anyone, so why not refresh photos ahead of new school terms? Here’s the all-important link.
Just as CVs need updating with relevant skills and a growing list of work experience, model portfolios remain the model’s best method of showing us how your looks change. Use them to reflect your transformations for the better.
Many clients shoot seasonal; models need to keep abreast of changes in the year and refresh their portfolios accordingly.