We live in a democratic world – fortunately – and opinions are usually as valid as the next person’s. We don’t all think the same, and we don’t all behave in the same way. Life would be bland if we did.

We like to hear opinions from others, as well as suggestions. We’re not a closed book, so computing feedback and listening to what other people say is necessary for everyone: us, our models, and our clients. It’s a three-way relationship which has been a major reason why we’re the most trusted commercial modelling agency in the country.

With the plethora of review websites giving people immediate access to post reviews, many businesses love to read feedback – whether it’s gushing praise or complaining of inadequacies. No business is completely flawless, though, and sometimes negative reviews have to be acknowledged. So be it. It’d be arrogant for any business to think they are above criticism.
With thousands of 5 star reviews, we’re confident that our models and clients are in the best place to progress: models on our books know they have the best chance of being seen by our clients, which in turn makes them more likely to be accepted for modelling jobs. It’s quite a straightforward process, and one which works.
When we read negative reviews (which are uncommon), we reply to most of them. We do this to offer advice, and to dispel any fictitious statements.
However, some “reviews” are plainly fabricated, and in certain cases, harmful. Some can be damaging to the modelling industry as a whole, whether the reviewer is adamant of their evaluation or simply wanting to display their frustration.

Therefore, we’d like to reiterate five key points that oppose some untruths cited in some reviews, namely:
- Models Direct is not – and never has been – a photographic studio. We do not charge for photographs or portfolios.
- We have no control over Facebook groups and similar forums. We don’t need to, nor would we want to.
- Modelling is enjoyable and competitive in equal measure. This is why we stress to all models to keep their modelling portfolios updated. When we have responded to some negative reviews, we’ve discovered that the reviewer hasn’t added any up-to-date photos for months, which rarely impresses clients. All models should do this every month or so – including parents if applying on behalf of their babies or children.
- Our dedicated team can be contacted at any time to answer queries and offer advice on portfolios. Alternatively, models can visit our head office in Norwich.
- Some negative reviews come from people who have never applied with us.
Naturally, the vast majority of reviews are written by genuine Models Direct models, and therefore most are complimentary. Clients, too, know the value of us as an agency. As business owner Simon reviewed:
“I just wanted to comment from a business owner who books models through Models Direct. I submit a casting to Models Direct, they then email me a selection of models matching as closely my requirements. If I only need one model, the other models on the list sent to me will obviously not be chosen. Models Direct can’t guarantee a booking. Bookings are entirely down to the casting director of the business requiring models.”
This perfectly sums up how models are chosen by clients, and not by us. It may be disappointing for models not to get picked after numerous views, but competition is fierce.

Keep updating your portfolios, don’t lose faith, and remember we’re always available to help.
Don’t be disheartened by negative reviews. Most of them are born from frustration, or plain untrue.
We’ll continue doing what we do best: putting forward the right models to our clients, and to be with them every step of the way from beginning to job completion.