Reasons for keeping your modelling e-portfolio updated

Whenever a new model joins Models Direct, we always stress the importance of keeping their e-portfolio up to date.

This is essential for a variety of reasons.

Here are just a few of them:

1, Your e-portfolio is like a window on to who you are and what you can offer as a model. This is what we see when we are looking for models to put forward and it is what our clients see when we include you in the selection that we offer them to choose from. It is therefore essential that it showcases you at your very best.

2, Your photos must reflect what you look like right now – even if you think you looked a little better a few years ago! It is essential that we have pictures of you as you look today. Perhaps you have changed your hair colour or style, or possibly you have had a new piercing or visible tattoo – any change could, in fact, make you more suitable for a particular assignment as our clients ask for people of all appearances. And, mums and dads, updating your children’s pictures regularly is also essential because we all know just how quickly they change! If you (or your children) are chosen for a booking and turn up looking different to the photos in your e-portfolio you may well be turned away and you are less likely to be put forward for work in the future.

3, Your pictures must be fresh and engaging – and updating your e-portfolio regularly is a way of ensuring that this is the case. Think about seasonal photography, images that show you in a range of different settings and outfits. Try to take a new set of pictures every few months and upload the very best of them.

4, Your photos must be top quality. Whiz through your e-portfolio every now to make sure you have followed our advice properly on the kinds of pictures we are looking for and the way you have taken them. This is important in terms of how and where they are framed and shot, as well as whether they are edited, filtered or distorted. If you follow our advice carefully, then we and our clients can see you clearly and you have a greater chance of selection.

5, You are more likely to be chosen if you update us regularly on any achievements. Tell us about any relevant work you have done, make sure still images and showreels are included and are up to date and let us know if you have picked up any new skills or taken up any new and relevant hobbies – these might include joining an amateur dramatics group, taking up a martial art or having singing lessons.

6, Finally, if you want to be able to be contacted about possible work, then your contact details must be up to date. If you change your phone number or email address, you must let us know. So again, check these details carefully every time you log into your e-portfolio. If we can’t get hold of you, then we can’t tell you about an assignment you may be suitable for.