Five top tips for modelling with props

If you become a model, you will almost certainly have to work with props – and these could be anything from a bag you are carrying in your hand to a car you are driving.

Working with props can be a great way of helping you to gain confidence, concentrate on the task in hand and almost distract you from feeling nervous.

Equally, it can sometimes be daunting to work with props – so here are some of our top tips:

1. Ask about any props you might be using

When your contact at Models Direct calls you to discuss the assignment, they will tell you what they know about the job. They are likely to have a good idea of the role you will be playing, what you will be wearing and what props you might be using. Having this information in advance could help you to prepare.

2. Practice at home

If the props you are likely to be using are everyday items, then why not practise at home? This may feel a little silly, but it will help you to feel more confident on set. If you know you are likely to be in a kitchen chopping vegetables, then have a go with different knives and chopping boards. If you are told you will be throwing a ball on a beach, then ask a friend or family member to practice with you for a while. If you expect to be getting in and out of a car, then do this a few times so you feel more relaxed about doing it smoothly.

3. Check if you need to bring your own props

Models are occasionally asked to bring their own props along. You won’t be asked to buy anything – these are likely to be things you have at home already – an umbrella, a shopping bag or a book you are reading. If you are asked to bring something with you, then, again, practise with it while you can.

4. Ask about props when you arrive

When you arrive on set you will be given instructions as to what you will be expected to do. You are likely to be told what you will be wearing, whether you need hair and make-up and where you need to be – and when. If you are not told about any props, then this could be the time to ask about them. Again, it helps to have a clear idea of what is to come.

5. Highlight any problems

While you are on an assignment, don’t be afraid to speak up if there is a problem with a prop. If an umbrella isn’t opening and closing smoothly, then this might be affecting your performance – if the tennis racquet you are supposed to be hitting a ball with has a broken string, then you won’t be able to play with it. Someone on set will be in charge of the props and will be able to repair or replace it with something else for you. Props are an essential part of the shoot, and it is important they are just right and working properly.