Flattering colours for models to wear during photo shoots – tops tips….

Whether you are taking photos for your own modelling e-portfolio or have been asked to choose flattering clothes for an assignment shoot, it’s worth taking a little time over your colour choices.

Just us most of us known which cuts of clothing tend to work well for our body shapes, so many will also have some idea which colours suit our skin and hair tones.

But, if you are considering becoming a model and are finding yourself floundering with your photos or you’d like to break out and push the boundaries a little with new shots, why not read through our top tips?

*Trust your own judgement

To start with, whether you are a model with Models Direct or not, trust your own judgement and wear the colours you feel suit you best – but try to be a little bolder with them, perhaps. If you know emerald green looks great on you, then go for a top instead of earrings or a striking fitted dress instead of just shoes. Wearing a colour you know looks fab– and that people have complimented you on ­– will help you feel good and exude confidence.

*Test your base skin tone

According to the experts, finding the right colour is all about working out whether you have a warm or cool skin tone. And, no matter what your heritage, you could be either. Take a piece of gold or silver fabric or a large a piece of jewellery in either metal and hold it under your chin. Then decide which one illuminates your complexion. If gold lights you up, then you have a warm skin tone. If it is silver, then you are a cooler customer.

*Cool blues and greens

Those with cool skin tones will look gorgeous in blues and greens or any bluey shade. They will also look fabulous in photos if they are brave with pinks, purples and lilacs.

*Warm yellows and browns

Those with warmer skin tones will really rock in shades that are based on yellows or have an earthy depth to them – try coral, gold, peach and golden browns to see how you much they make you shine in your modelling shots.

*Summers and winters

People are often categories as being spring, summer, autumn or winter, when their skin tones are combined with the colours of their hair and eyes. Summers and winters have cool skin tones: summers tend to have light hair and eyes, while winters can have dark hair and darker eyes, but without that autumnal warmth. Summers can carry off pastel hues and ice-cream shades, while winters will look amazing in jewel colours, deep pinks and strong scarlets etc.

*Autumns and springs

Those with warmer skin tones tend to be springs and autumns. Springs will also have light hair, often blonde or pale brown, and blue eyes. Autumns could have darker or golden brown hair, as well as auburn, chestnut or red. Their eyes will be warm brown, hazel, olive or even goldy. Springs can carry off red and pink colours that have some warmth to them – coral, dusty pink and light oranges, for example, as well, perhaps as some warmer greens. Autumns should try rich, earthy colours like chocolate brown, mustard, bronze and olive green

*Don’t fall into the black trap

While black can look stylish, elegant and flattering, it can also make those with very light skin tones looked washed out and can be lost a little against dark backgrounds. If you do want to wear black try to liven it up with a splash of another colour that complements you skin tone – and keep an eye on what is behind you.

*Watch out for white

Likewise, white can look amazing on those with darker skin but may be lost against lighter backgrounds. Watch out for white if you really are very pale. Try wearing white in a simple t-short or pair of summer trousers if it is a colour you find yourself drawn to.