Autumn is a wonderful time to start aiming to work more fruit and veg into your daily diet.
All sorts of colourful produce is currently being harvested from the fields and trees ready to become part of the rainbow diet we should all be eating.
September is also the time of year when the busy summer and its many parties, festivals and other activities are over and when we can aim for a little clean living in the run up to Christmas.
Whether you are a male or female model eager to cut back on the alcohol for a while, a would-be model wishing to replace chocolate and crisps with something healthier (but just as tasty) or simply a reader keen to focus on yourself and your general well being, you might find something here to tickle your taste buds….
*An apple a day

This is the time of year when we start to see a glorious array of fresh apples appearing in the shops. Red, green, speckled or smooth, try to have just one day! Pop it in your handbag, munch it walking into work or tuck in mid afternoon when you are tempted to reach for a slice of cake instead. Apples are high in fibre (especially if you eat the skin – which you should!) and antioxidants, which are important to help you fight lots of long term illnesses and conditions, and are a good source of vitamins E, B1 and B6. They are also thought to be good for the skin.
*Pick your own blackberries
Look out for lovely, luscious blackberries at this time of year models. They are full of goodness and delicious too. Yes, you can buy them in the shops but often you don’t have to. While they do grow in abundance in the countryside, you can also find them in patches of woodland in the city. Just make sure you know what you are picking and if you are unclear then check with someone you have confidence in. Blackberries are also packed with fibre and antioxidants and they contain vitamins C, K and E, as well as calcium. Try adding a handful to a smoothie – this will give it a gorgeous, tempting colour as well enhancing the flavour and improving the goodness.
*Rhubarb, rhubarb….
Rhubarb also pops up in the shops at this time of year and it is also something that people often grow in their gardens and allotments – so if you know anyone with home produce why don’t you ask them for a handful of sticks? Rhubarb has a sharp flavour but can be a delicious addition to natural or Greek yoghurt and can therefore be a good ingredient in a sweet dish that might replace a shop-bought dessert that is high in sugar. Try adding a teaspoon of honey if your mixture is still too tart. Rhubarb is low-calorie and also contains fibre to aid digestion. It also has high levels of vitamin K which is important for bone health and blood clotting.
*Move on to plums
Plums are fabulous autumn fruit because they are quick and easy to eat – and before you know it you’ve ticked off one of your five-a-day. Slice two or three on your porridge at breakfast; have a couple after your sandwich at lunchtime when you break from your modelling assignment or even munch on one or two dried plums (prunes) as an evening snack. Plums are also high in antioxidants, may well have anti-inflammatory properties and can help balance blood sugar and regulate the appetite. They are also high in fibre and low in fat and calories. Just be a little cautious if you have never had them before as some people are allergic to them.