Making your pet eP spring friendly

The relentless chill is slowly disappearing, making way for brighter mornings and lengthier days. Pets can sense the shift in climate – they’re highly sensitive and not stupid! Like dormant animals emerging from their cosy winter hibernation, pets respond favourably to this time of the year. It’s also a great time for pet owners to think how their pet’s ePortfolio can be altered to reflect the wonderful spring season.

Spring is all about rebirth and looking ahead to brighter things. A stale portfolio (no matter how stunning the original one was) is an inefficient marketing tool, so we’re always reminding our models to go with the flow and update portfolios to show off any changes. Getting into the habit of updating portfolios is paramount, and soon you’ll be dipping into them and making changes as a matter of habit.

It’s no different for your modelling pet. If your dog has had a post-Christmas haircut (or should that be “coatcut”?) or a full-on bath, groom and nail clippings session, it’s a good idea to upload up-to-date snaps on the ePortfolio to keep things fresh. Fan of felines? Cats loved to be photographed outdoors, so utilise spring’s daytime sunlight to enhance your moggy’s cute characteristics. Bear in mind that your pet is always the star of the shoot, and the background serves only to supplement the photos.

Spring gives Mother Nature a kind of vibrant renaissance, so it’d be a shame to miss out on the opportunity to get back to basics. Flowers bloom, skies are translucent, and fields and woodland are irresistible for pets and owners alike. We’d forgive anyone for taking a more backwards step during winter (although there are plenty of great photos to be had in this season), so think of spring as your launch pad for showcasing your pets in all their adorable glory.

Playful dogs frolicking in the year’s first snowdrops or cats meowing under a dramatic rainbow – spring provides all the scenery needed for the perfect pets photos. Maximise greens, yellows and blues, which are the essence of stunning spring months. Get down to face level to capture your pet’s unique features, and don’t be shy snapping away; sometimes the perfect pic is a one-in-ten attempt!

We don’t just provides cats and dogs to our clients. Though pooches and felines are undoubtedly the most requested creatures, we’re always excited to hear of owners of striking rabbits or majestic horses, or even birds and reptiles. Our clients are pretty eclectic, and variety has always been important to our business. Use spring to kick-start your pet’s modelling career. Our professional booking agents are waiting!

Spring is a favourite month for many of us. Your pets could even be in better moods, so use this time of the year to your advantage. Just a spring plant, your pet’s career could blossom into something to be treasured.