As you already know, Models Direct work differently to other modelling agencies. We aren’t a showcase agency who pretend to look for work for our models just by sticking up their images up on our website or on our socials. Our team works very hard around the clock to ensure all our models get the chance to work not just once or twice but as many times as possible.

What we don’t guarantee
However, we also make it very clear from the get-go that we never claim to guarantee work as this rests in the hands of clients. When our models sign up with us, we have numerous conversations before we officially place them in our books to reiterate this essential point. We do find that models leave negative reviews on platforms to express their disappointment in not receiving any kind of work, and because we’re a transparent agency, with no intention of covering or masking these comments, they are still out there for you to read. Our team ensures that our response is open and we always wish for our unhappy models to touch base with us.
What we do guarantee
One of the many perks we do guarantee when you sign up with us is that our modelling specialist team try our utmost best to put you forward for all assignments that land in our mailbox if you match what clients are looking for, unlike the false promises of many of our competitors.

Our thirty-years plus in the modelling industry demonstrates how long we’ve been standing strong, with our everyday-people-turn-models philosophy, and embracing diversity and inclusivity of everyone in our population.
If you get selected and complete the work, the next perk is, you’ll have a cheque in your hands to physically see the reward of your modelling work. Models Direct doesn’t do bank transfers, instead we send out cheques (pretty much like the good old days) via post because we believe there’s nothing wrong in using a former method of payment that was popular in it’s prime. This doesn’t mean it’s obsolete though, so don’t worry.
Apart from being a tangible reminder of a model’s hard graft on set, cheques also evoke other beneficial feelings. We’ve rounded them up right here:
Our cheques come personally signed with a short morale boosting note showing our gratitude for our models’ hard work.
Our cheques feel like a gift of appreciation as we hand deliver it ourselves.
They can serve as a physical achievement for something that model’s might have thought went unmissed.
Cheques are a great way to physically feel that it was worth it – the hectic schedule, long hours and journey to and from the set.
One of our model’s, who embraced on a recent assignment, shared a recent tag of receiving her cheque. Thanks for sharing this with our world, Nakita!
Check out our Money, Money, Money page for some extra pics and wholesome feedback from some of our models who were happy to display their cheques (with sensitive personal details being blurred, no doubt!)
We hope that this blog brings you closer to the reason as to why we use cheques to pay our models instead of a bank transfer.