If you’re reading this blog after signing up with us, you’ve made the first step to becoming a commercial model.

It’s fair to say you’ll have expectations about modelling. Why shouldn’t you? By registering with us, you’ll be in the best possible position to be offered modelling work with some of the biggest clients around. This isn’t an opinion. Our client list was looking strong even way back in the 1990s, and for some time now it’s been the most extensive in the industry. Without them, there wouldn’t be as many assignments available for our models.
So when models sign up with us, they know they’ve made the first positive move. What comes after that?

This is where realistic prospects come into play. All our models should have varying degrees of expectations because the chances of being chosen by our clients are far higher with us on your side. Just as our professional team place models every week, so new models should expect to be put forward for suitable jobs whenever their look is called for. The question of success rates depends on the client themselves, so it’s entirely possible that some models might be recommended for several jobs without being picked. As a successful agency, the final decision is not ours – it’s always been (and always will be) the client’s.
It’s unrealistic to assume any model will be chosen for a job soon after registering with us. Some do, of course. It’s never a surprise when this happens; we study every model’s looks and present them to our clients, and some instantly catch their eye. That’s great, and we love it when a model’s talents are valued. But sometimes it takes longer for a model to be selected and some unfortunately don’t make the final selection.

Our job is to make our clients aware of available models as per their job brief – something that we’re experts at. When our client – let’s say supermarket giants Morrisons – approaches us looking for a modelling family, we study our registered models and put forward the best suited ones to make their marketing assignment as effective as they can make it. We give the chosen models the good news, and continue to put forward models that haven’t been chosen. Without us, models wouldn’t even be seen by clients in the first instance. Morrisons are happy because they trust to recommend the best-suited models, and they don’t have to outsource models, saving them time and money.
So, expectations should realistic. No model will be picked all the time, every time. Some are perfectly content doing two or three assignments a year, and that’s wonderful. Conversely, some may be disappointed not to be offered a modelling job once a month. To be in the best shape to appeal to our clients, it’s crucial to log into your e-portfolio regularly and update it with new photos. Models can’t expect to stand out of the crowd if their photos remain the same for a long period of time.
If you don’t get selected by our clients, keep the faith. Once you’re up-and-running, there’s no limit to what you can achieve in life.