Is your pet a star? Is your cat especially cute or your dog a sheer delight to spend time with?

Well perhaps you should consider whether you think they might stand out and shine in front of the camera – whether they could be a pet model?
Here are our tips, suggestions and thoughts on what to look out for if this is something you and your pet are interested in pursuing:
*Something special
Think about whether your pet has that special something. He or she could be any animal from a gorgeous guinea pig to a handsome horse. He might look really cuddly, have an unusual characteristic that makes him a bit different or be strikingly beautiful, perhaps. It doesn’t matter what it is, but there needs to be something about him that will make our clients say: “Yes, that is the star pet we have been looking for.”
*A friendly nature

Your precious pet also needs to be comfortable around people. Most of our star pets are required for photo shoots or film sessions and some are booked for promotional appearances – either way they have to be comfortable and confident around people. They need to have a friendly nature and be easy to work with.
*Confident not anxious
Pet models also need to have confidence. Some creatures are understandably nervous or shy when they are the focus of attention. There may be a bit of noise about them, there will almost certainly be lights and they will need to be able to interact with people they haven’t met before.
*Experience is not necessary

Most of our star pets have no experience at all when they join us – and that really is fine, as long as you think they will be suitable for the work and will enjoy it. We just need to know they will be well behaved on set and be capable of doing what is required of them on the day.
*We are experienced
At Models Direct we have decades of experience of working with cats, dogs and other creatures and the crews employed by our clients should also be used to working with animals. Sometimes there may be an animal handler on set too, but, more often than not, we will ask you to be there to offer your reassurance to your pet during this new experience to them.
*Read about our bookings
Find out more about the kinds of jobs we send our star pets along too and how they their owners have enjoyed them. See if you think this is something that you and Fido the dog, Tibbles the cat or Harry the horse would enjoy.
*Take some great photos
Spend time getting some good shots of your pet to send to us. Make sure these are taken in a good light, against an uncluttered background and that we can really see what your bundle of fur, impressive reptile or feathered friend really looks like.
*Join us
Apply to join Models Direct and then one of our experienced team members will be in touch. They will be your main point of contact and will explain more to you about how it all works. You can ask them anything you wish, and they will reassure you about the care that will be taken when working with your pet.
*The process
Clients contact us to let us know what kind of pet they are looking for and we offer them a selection of those that we feel meet the requirements. They then make the final selection. If your pet is offered the assignment then we will tell you more about it and you are free to say yes or no.
*The booking

If you accept a booking, we will ensure you know where to be and when. We also tell you what the fee will be. Some jobs might even be abroad (travel expenses paid, of course!). We will tell you what you will need to bring with you and what will be required of you and your pet on the day.
*After the assignment
We ensure you are paid within days of completing the assignment and we will also ask you for your feedback on how it went. Our hope is obviously that both you and your pet have really enjoyed it – and that you will be eager to help us create a little more animal magic in the future!