Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway

In an industry full of rejection and competition, how do you stay confident and believe in yourself ? It’s a subject that the Models Direct team talk to models about often, confidence is key to being a successful model, but for many self doubt and fear can creep in – the trick is not to let these feelings hold you back!

You may have always dreamt of being a model, you receive comments all the time of how you could model, but you just don’t have the confidence or self belief to put yourself out there – this is very common. To achieve anything new we have to experience some feeling of fear and discomfort, don’t let this deter you – we only grow when out of our comfort zone, so step out of it to realise your full potential.

With social media playing such a large part in all our lives now it’s easier than ever to compare ourselves to others. This happens alot in the modelling industry, checking out another model who got the job you so desperately wanted and wondering what they had that you didn’t…this is a recipe for disaster! You are unique, there is only one of you and sometimes you will not be what the client is looking for, but try to accept it and move on – there will be another opportunity just around the corner.

Delete accounts on social media that make you feel inadequate, or that you spend time wishing you were more like, these people will also have down days and lack confidence at times, they just don’t document it. Those little squares on the gram allow one to portray a highly edited, split second in time, it’s not realistic to think anyone’s life is really like that all the time. Simply follow the accounts that make you smile and you relate to in a beneficial way.

Be positive….If you are attending a casting or a modelling assignment your positivity will shine through, people are drawn to this and that will boost your confidence naturally. You may not feel positive deep down, but smile, hold your head high and you will notice a difference, negative energy is not attractive.

It may seem shallow, but looking after your appearance can really help in boosting your confidence. If your confidence levels are low spend a little extra time styling your hair, choosing the right outfit, get a gym session in or apply a bright lippy, it can really help. How we feel about our physical appearance has an effect on your mental state, so to prepare for a successful, productive day make sure you are looking your best.

Before meeting a new client or attending an audition make sure you are prepared for it – do you have the right outfit on? Have you learnt the lines properly? Have you checked the location and times of the job? Do you know what the client does? Preparation is incredibly important, it gives you peace of mind and boosts your self confidence.

Try not to be too self critical, you are an original and this is your selling point. Look for the positives and remind yourself what you do like about yourself, think about all the things you have achieved and been successful in and set yourself realistic goals congratulating yourself each time one is achieved, be kind to yourself!

The team at Models Direct are all very experienced in the modelling industry and understand the reality of it, we know how daunting it can be and the knocks can take their toll, this is why we spend lots of time talking to our models and getting to know them, we are always just at the end of the phone (or email!).